Saturday, July 13, 2013

Rockefeller Center, NYC

Wed. July 10, 2013 - Day 18
Up at the crack of dawn today to make it to the TODAY show. We were undecided as to whether this would be worth the pain of getting up so early and catching the long subway ride to downtown. Review afterwards with girls was "that was awesome!" So happy we made the effort in spite of this making a very long day. They LOVED this experience even if Robert and I were fine to sit on the sidelines with coffee.

We have always been on the side of, well we are here, so might as well bang it out. A fab morning!! Highly recommend for tweens. Here the girls made posters with their RV blog "SummerMiller5." Hilarious as only could be, our many RV adventures and mishaps through the eyes of kids. A completely different perspective that will have you laughing out loud.

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